The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Out The Worst and better of Humanity

The COVID-19 impact on Humanity.

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Out The Worst and better of Humanity
Stay Home

In the last few weeks, everything has changed. The life you once knew has taken an unimaginable turn. All you are doing now's reside home and watch news of the pandemic pouring in from every possible corner. Mostly depressing ones, and sometimes stories that tug at your heart other than those that cause you to think and cause you to annoyed even.
As I watch days and weeks unfold very slowly during this era of lockdown, i've got also come to understand that this pandemic has brought out the worst and also the better of humanity.
I read with dismay, even during this time of pandemic once we have far greater things to fret about, and invest our energy in, racism took another leap. People from Northeast India suffered the brunt in some ways across different cities. They were called names, spat at, and assaulted in humiliating ways.
Closer place Nagaland, not too way back, a store within the neighbourhood was robbed. round the same time, there have been news of pigs being stolen, and their caretakers beaten in additional than one place.
Then I read with horror, stories of two doctors in two different places, who sacrificed the simplest of their lives taking care of the sick, were denied an honest burial after they died of coronavirus. i am unable to even begin to imagine the excruciating pain that their respective families would have capable. As if grieving for the passing of a lover isn't painful enough. Added to it, was this most terrifying experience.
In just a matter of few weeks, there have been with great care many stories of pain- stories which will forever change our perspective about life and living itself.
And yet, I also think the simplest of humanity shone in many places. When householders waived monthly rents of their tenants; when people shared their food with a fellow human being; when farmers in many villages who harvested the simplest of their vegetables freely shared with the urban dwellers; when people generously contributed money to assist another patient undergo a way needed surgery; when groups, individuals and communities walked the additional mile to form the lifetime of another person better and easier in ways over one.
When people volunteered to run errands and find groceries for the elderly; when homes became churches and families prayed together; when a healthcare professional, a policeman, a bureaucrat, an officer, an important commodity provider, a journalist, a delivery guy, a driver, all the those who needed to be out there even when as scared and afraid as you and me are, took the additional mile just to make sure that we'd all be safe.
When artists- those who write poetry, sing, perform, draw, and everybody else within the creative field put in extra effort in order that you'll hear the music and cherish some beautiful works of art even while you're home; when teachers taught online so you'll keep on together with your education; when many folks played their roles, however small and insignificant, because we are bushed this together.
I know there's evil that also exists within the midst of this global pandemic. But i assumed the simplest people far outshone it. In times like these, all we'd like is humanity. Together we'll get through this.

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